Wednesday, July 13, 2011

For my little sisters

I Don't know where to start,
because I don't know when there will be an end.
Almost all of my life we've had each other.
We've laughed together,
Cried together,
Yelled at each other,
And lied to each other.
But there is another thing, too.
I'm not so blind to see,
How much you are like me.
In my heart I know that everything I do,
Will somehow have an effect on you.
I try so hard to always set a good example,
But I know in the past I have given you bad samples.
Life isn't easy,
And when it's not,
I wanna be there to guide your way with you.
When I'm torn between choices,
I always wonder how each one might effect you today.
I know there've been times when maybe I did the wrong thing,
But now I can really see just how careful I need to be.
You'll make mistakes,
Take the wrong road instead of the right,
But don't ever let people tear you down,
Always put up a fight.
Most of all I want you to know,
That no matter where I am,
What I'm doing,
Or who I'm with,
If you are in trouble in life,
I'll drop everything, and be there in seconds to give you my advice.
I want to say I will end this message with something special,
But it would be a lie,
Because there will never be an end,
What we have together will never die.

                            -Author Unknown 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Third World Professional

Every single day I wake up at 6am, curse the morning for coming so early, take about another fifteen minutes to actually get up from my bed, head straight into the bathroom to take my routine shower. Depends on the mood that I usually wake up in, I normally curse NAWEC if I discover that there is no electricity again, curse myself for coming back home, and hop unwillingly into the shower, I hate mornings, anyone that knows me knows that I am not a morning person, I am a bitch in the morning with a capital B. It takes me another hour to find the right outfit for work (although I have my work clothes in one closet), makeup, hair, perfume and finally gather my laptop, books and car keys. This is my morning routine everyday. It takes me about two hours just to get ready for work and another thirty minutes to get to work, which includes my daily morning insults to the reckless drivers on the road.

Everyday I come to work with a brilliant attitude. I come to work to be productive and give it my all, I put so much effort in my appearance and do not complain about the sometimes poor working conditions but sometimes, I find it so hard to keep up my brilliant mood all day. In the public sector a working day comprises of meetings, letters, workshops etc. As a young  professional working in The Gambia, I find it very hard to be always upbeat, I constantly remind myself that I am back to contribute to the development of The Gambia, the salary is not worth it nor are the benefits but there is always something in me that keeps me going. A long time ago, whilst I use to intern for this non-profit organization in DC, I was confronted with the sufferings and pains of poor African nations. I was exposed to the literature of war, famine and orphans. The stories of orphans that I read daily made a mark in my heart, for years I choose to ignore the sufferings of African citizens especially people in developing countries like the Gambia, I had lived a fabulous life in Gambia prior to leaving for the US, and even though I knew people were poor in The Gambia and were suffering daily to provide for their families, I was oblivious to these realities. I lived a content life in Gambia and lacked for nothing, when I got to the US, I continued to live that content life, I never suffered to put food in my mouth nor struggled to survive, so I never appreciated the pains people faced. But reading the literature and facing the harsh realities of Africa's poverty in college was all the wakeup call I needed . I majored in economics and decided to dedicate my professional life in public service.

Coming back home, months after graduation and becoming part of the solution to poverty reduction in The Gambia has been the most fulfilling job I have ever held. Sitting in meetings whilst we discuss strategies and intervention areas for poverty reduction swells my heart up with pride, working for the people and working with the people does nothing but make me proud. If I have slaved hundreds of hours in the library and walked in the snow just to pass a class or get to class, I am glad I did. Opting to come back home rather than stay in the US and get a job was a good thing I did, it would have been just a job, here I have a career that I totally adore in the civil service, a low paid professional, giving back to my country that has given me so much more. What wouldn't I give for lattes at starbucks, lunch at a fabulous restaurant, shopping at the mall, movies friday night..Nothing absolutely nothing, I love my life as a Fabulous Third World Professional.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Fabulous Wedding Cakes

I love the pillow setting and the gorgeous blue...


Too cute

Driving in Gambia

I know I said I had to type up a letter for my boss, but I'll do that later just found out that he left and since its a half-day today( dont u just love bjl) I decided to spend the rest of my afternoon before the close of work, updating my blog...Anyways this blog is to rant and rave, I hate and detest driving in Gambia, its such a pain in the freaking ass, everytime am on the road i turn into a monster, mainly due to the fact that you have to share the road with every living thing in the country nor does it help that the road are so small with bumps all along the way, its really hard driving on a tiny road trying to avoid the bumps at the same time dodging pedestrians, cows, sheeps, dogs, trucks, donkeys, every thing but worst of all are the bicyclists and motorists I hate them ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Banjul traffic sucks....sometimes I just feel like knocking over somebody on a bike then i remember that prison is not so fabulous, seriously I hate driving in Gambia, one of the few roads I love in banjul is the brufut road going to Tanji, its so freeeee, ahhh...

Anyways this post is due to the fact that I just drove to work today and had a nasty brawl 8am in the morning with a taxi driver so am a lil bit pissed, for my therapy i will now do another post of fabulous wedding cakes I found online, dont you just love weddings, totally awesome....

Am so so so so sorry....

Hi fabulous readers,

I am so sorry, I don't deserve to be back, I've deserted my blog for god knows how long, am so sowwwi :).... Its so hard updating the blog with so many changes going on in my life right now, but I think about the blog every night before I go to bed, and I always compose entries in my head and never update them on my PC, anyways I promise to do better...I've started a new process of writing my entries on my BB before going to bed or whenever I get an inspiration to write, I promise I will update more often now....

Anyways am so HAPPY and EXCITED to be back, I love blogging, I read blogs everyday and I love that I can be anonymous, I don't consider myself a shy person but am also not that very very open gurl....I never thought anybody read my blog, I just love the idea that I could write and share it whenever I deemed necessary, but recently I checked the blog email then i read a message from a very fabulous gurl, who wanted more updates and i couldn't love you more, am glad that at least somebody likes reading jollofabulosity, its such a challenge deciding on what to write and if my readers will find it interesting, then i realized that i started this blog not to please anybody but to write about stuff that i love and found interesting, so from now on i'll be writing about stuff I love and what makes me happy n about my crazy life in Gambia, which I totally adore....anyways gotta run, have to type up a letter for my boss, later dolls...


P.S. thanks for your email S. even though am replying months later (just saw it a couple of days ago) it means so much to me that you read and appreciate this blog, I promise to be better...stay blesses

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Moving to Gambia....

At the end of last year, i decided to move back home to the Gambia, at that time my decision was the best thing! I had just graduated from college, i was full of life, determination, motivation and zeal....

coming back home, was the only thing on my mind and in my plans, i worked hard, slaved days just to buy my clothes, shoes and all the gurly stuff that we ladies need, in the end, i was a happy, college - grad full of life and coming back home to change the country.....

Fast- forward, four months later ***I F***kin HATE it" scratch that, I really dont like it :(...OMG, Gambia can suck at times, but to be fair, sometimes I feel like its the best choice I ever made...

I really love Gambia, I remember when I was in the states i was always so "napseh", Christmas couldn't come fast enough for me to come for 2/3 weeks den go back, they were the highlights of my year. alot of things have contributed to my not liking gambia. for example:

  1. I totally and entirely hate my job(will blog about it later), I work with inefficient, stupid, egogistic and foolish people...I feel like am in a tarzan movie sometimes
  2. gambia is sooo freaking expensive, no wonder gurls are goin wild up in here ( not that i support sugar daddies, mummies or anything- am just saying) DAMM, i wonder how all these gurls keep up....
  3. things have just changed
  4. I miss my family
  5. I miss college
  6. I miss my friends
  7. I miss the malls, the nandos, the charlotte russe's, the auntie anne's, the steaks, the el polo, the burritos, the shiny things, the mani/pedis, -----everything, I miss the fabulous life
but on the other hand i love Gambia, am getting my hair done every other weekend..I LOVE IT, I have a maid, who actually makes my bed, washes my clothes n irons them, I love it... I have a fabulous car, that I can drive (dont have to wait for buses n trains no more), I can actually bribe the police n get away wiv it, FABULOUS.....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Its been so long!!!

I missed my Blog!!
OMG, I haven't been on my blog for so long, and that's so wrong,We all know I have commitment issues but I have NOT abandoned my blog, its my medium for me being myself!

Anyways>>>>>>>>>> I have decided to re-invent my blog, partly because i've switched locations and my mood has changed, therefore, the stuff I wanna write about has also changed!! (weird huh)

I am currently in Gambia, and i love it, but sometime I also hate it so much, I feel like am in a Zoo sometimes and sometimes I feel like I am in Heaven. I love Gambia, it is full of love, crap, drama, happiness, shit and loads of fun!! Its like starting all over again, I have so many stories of Gambia and most of them are just me ranting, some are funny, whilst others are just downright crazy.

So from now on, I promise to update my blog more regulary, now I have the time to so yea, amma be posting....Till then stay Fabulous, my people!!