Friday, April 3, 2009

Favorite childhood memories....

LOl, I miss and love my childhood days, remember when boys chased you using a paper, giving it to there friends for you to tick a yes or a no, lol those where the days... lol before a boy asked you out, he will consult with his friends n yours to see if he will "spark". lol your friends start telling you"ki daff laa buga chase, lor koh wah" lol you will be like "howw ma sah,naa man bugu ma" lol when u knw deep down its all you have been waiting for, lol peeps start acting weird wiv u, laughing being ur friends n stuff, n if he was friends wit any gurls, they start pitching for him n u and those gurls start being close, lol the guy still hasnt said anything but in ur mind he is yours. he then start making small talk "son, hamnga neh dama laa nop" lol the rule is that u have to give him at least a 2 weeks waiting period in which u r "helataing"(thinking bout) his proposition,and he doesnt know dat its a done deal already....

The thing I love most about childhood(junior/primary)school romances is the pretending. At school u n ur "boyfriend" ignore each other, in class u'll be writing in your books ur name and his surname, I dont know if y'all remember the game FLAMES(friends, lovers, admirers, marriage, enemies, soulmates) lol u write his name and yours on a paper and cancel out the same letters the rest you count and pick where it falls on the word Flames, if its an L, it means u guys r lovers or he loves u, lol we use too swear by that game.

Lol, those were the days......